The IFC tower

The night after I knew that I was accepted to the IFC, I had a dream. I was climbing on a tower with some of my friends. That tower was…

Communication skills next level

HOW TO: not understand a thing but pretend that you do Ever had someone in the IFC talk to you in English, which you normally would be able to understand,…

German speechlessness

How the IFC messes with your ability to speak German Being in the IFC means talking a lot of English. You talk English in class, with the internationals and even…

IFC defined

For a long time I didn‘t know what IFC stands for. Of course I knew the project and what it is about but a German fifth grader probably wouldn‘t even…

Intercultural experience

Here are some real-life intercultural studies (experiences first-hand): Even though we might be from different parts of the world we may share something as trivial as a favorite TV show…

Don´t be afraid

Ok, so the first time I actually got into touch with the IFC was in 7th grade when a good friend of mine got accepted. Back then I never really…