Personal pciture Name in full (Surname, Forenames) Bitte lasse dieses Feld leer. Permanent address Address for correspondence if different from permanent address Telephone number E-Mail Skype Date of Birth in (Town, Country) Nationality Gender – Bitte auswählen –malefemaleprefer not to say Religious affiliation
Father (Surname, Fornames) Availability during working hours (phone, email) Mother (Surname, Fornames) Availability during working hours (phone, email) Who else can be contacted in case of an emergency? (name, address, telephone numbers)
Are you regularly in need of any medication? – Bitte auswählen –yesno Do you have any allergies or other medical conditions? – Bitte auswählen –yesno [group medicalcondition clear_on_hide] Please give details to your medical conditions [/group] Do you have any special dietary requirements?– Bitte auswählen –yesno [group dietaryrequirements clear_on_hide] Please give details to your special dietary requirements [/group] Do you smoke?– Bitte auswählen –yesno
Name Address Telephone number e-mail Which member of staff can be contacted? (Name, e-mail) Will you have finished the school education in your country before you join the IFC?– Bitte auswählen –yesno I have studied English for – Bitte auswählen –0 year1 year2 years3 years4 years5 years and more I have studied German for – Bitte auswählen –0 year1 year2 years3 years4 years5 years and more My recent grades in English have been: – Bitte auswählen –very goodGoodPoorVery poor My recent grades in Germans have been: – Bitte auswählen –very goodGoodPoorVery poor
Please refer to your education and your activities in school and beyond, and explain why you want to take part in the International Fellowship Class. We would also like to know how you were informed about the IFC and which importance the grades in the IFC would have for you. Of course, you are free to add further information that you find important to characterise yourself. Please answer in complete sentences.
Sports practised Sports interested in Do you regularly take part in sports competitions? If yes, in which kind of sport and how often? Hobbies practised Artistic and musical activities How do you prefer to spend free afternoons/ evenings/ weekends? Are you a member of a youth organization? – Bitte auswählen –yesno Have you already been to Germany or did you visit foreign countries for a longer period of time
Please upload the Parental_and_applicants_consent File here